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About Cohen Wealth Advisory

Get to Know Your Financial Partner

Zachary Cohen

About Cohen Wealth Advisory

Get to Know Your Financial Partner

Zachary Cohen


Hello, and welcome!

I’d love to tell you a bit about Cohen Wealth Advisory and who I am.

I have the honor and unique opportunity to help people in an area that can affect virtually every aspect of their lives. Given the personal nature of finances, I operate with the understanding that everybody has a distinct set of circumstances, obligations, and personal aspirations. As a result, individualized solutions in the client’s best interest are crucial to financial success.

By serving clients as an independent firm and a fiduciary, we’re not beholden to certain products or services and are legally required to serve in your best interest. With this approach, our client’s needs always come first.

Why Cohen Wealth Advisory

In creating Cohen Wealth Advisory, I have the opportunity to blend my passion for financial planning and superior client service into my own independent firm. Being able to serve my clients in a way I have complete control over is a new beginning I couldn’t be more excited about. I look forward to continuing this journey with my current clients and those to come.

My Approach

I strive to be relentless in how I serve you. I’m committed to making your wellbeing my highest priority and determining your desired results. As a whole, my hope is to help you establish a greater ability to focus on the things that matter most to you by taking as much as I can off your plate.

While I seek to serve on your behalf, I greatly enjoy the collaboration involved in my work. I find great meaning in the close relationships built with my clients, and it’s a main reason why I enjoy what I do so much. Getting to know you, learning about your passions and goals, and seeing you and your family succeed is something I feel fortunate to witness and be apart of.

Who I Work With

My clients run the gamut. They are professionals across various industries, including medical and dental. They are entrepreneurs, business owners, and employees. They are spouses and parents. Some are retired, and some are just getting started in their careers. While my clients are all different, they are ambitious individuals balancing the demands of a full life, and they’re seeking a partner they can trust to optimize their finances and guide them over time.

My Experience

I earned my bachelor’s degree in hospitality management from Florida International University. From the beginning, I knew my professional career would involve public relations and service. I went on to complete University of Florida's Personal and Family Financial Planning program. Program requirements include completion of the following courses: Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Investment Planning, Income Tax Planning, Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance, Fundamentals of Financial Planning and Capstone. Now, as a financial advisor, my profession allows me to combine my talent for interpersonal relations with my business acumen.

Beginning my career in 2011 as the Brokerage Director for the Guardian Life Insurance Company in Jacksonville, I specialized in disability income protection and estate preservation. Collaborating with financial advisors and agents throughout Northeast Florida, I diligently researched the best opportunities and strategies for asset protection. In 2016, I joined St. Johns Asset Management as a financial advisor where I specialized in financial planning for individuals, families and business owners. This was a pivotal stepping stone in my career as I grew more passionately about wealth management and the life long relationships and connections that come along with it.

I educate medical and dental residency programs at UF Health, St. Vincent’s, JU,  and other institutions throughout FL on the importance of asset protection, debt management, savings, and understanding the options and solutions available to them.


My financial advisory licenses include series 6, series 63, series 65 security licenses and 2-15 life, accident and health insurance license.

Certificate of completion for University of Florida's Personal and Family Financial Planning program

Outside of the Office

A native Floridian, I grew up in Palm Beach Gardens, and have called Jacksonville home for over a decade. I’m passionate about music, golf, watching sports and especially family- my beautiful wife, Cara, my baby boy, Sammy, and my Australian Shepherd, Reggie.